We feel you – these confinement measures often have us going up the walls as well. But we’ve decided to make the most of it by making a list of different language and travel-related activities we can do at home. So, grab that hot cocoa (or that glass of yummy red wine, no judging here) and settle down for some fun and inspiring reading!
1.- Movies That Will Inspire You To Travel
Itching for your next trip? Yup, we’re the same. The best bit is that now is a great time to have a good think about our next destination! Here’s a brilliant selection of films to watch for inspiration.

2.- Best Upcoming K-dramas In 2020
Korean dramas have become so popular for a reason – they’re incredibly entertaining AND also provide a burst of language immersion in your own home. These are the ones you absolutely can’t miss!

3.- The Easiest Asian Languages To Learn: Ranked
Are all Asian languages really that hard to learn? Our research proves some of the most useful ones are actually not! Here are some ideas on which one you should go for next.

4.- How to Learn a Language With Your Child
Keeping children busy and entertained while stuck at home can seem challenging, but it’s up to us to turn it into a lively and educational experience! There are many fun language activities you can do with your kids – need ideas?

5.- Italian Hand Gestures You Need To Know
Italians are now proving more than ever how strong and unique their culture is. Why not pay homage to their originality by learning to communicate with your hands just as they do? It’s also a great way to prep for your next trip to Italy!

6.- The Best Podcasts To Practise English
It’s easy to stare at a screen for hours at a time, whether it be due to work or leisure. Why not treat your sight to a bit of a rest? Keep your English up with podcasts you can enjoy while in the shower, working out or simply lying on your couch! Here’s the best selection for you.

7.- 5 Series To Help You Learn French
Series and films are an excellent way of practising and learning a foreign language from home so grab that glass of red wine we were talking about earlier (we know it’s there!) and take your pick among the following French shows you will most definitely end up binge-watching!

8.- The World’s Most Famous Multilingual Celebrities
How about we trade celebrity gossip for actual interesting facts about famous people? You’d be surprised at the linguistic abilities some of them have! Read on to find out who are the language whizzes in the celebrity world.

9.- 5 Reasons To Learn A Language Through Music
Even if you don’t listen to it intently, we’re sure you play music at home or through your earphones all the time, so how about you use it to up your language skills? Here are some very good reasons that will convince you to do so.

10.- How To Say “I Love You” In Different Languages
This is probably the most important time to celebrate love. As the Beatles said very rightly, love is all around us and every nation has a different way of communicating it. Choose your favourite!

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to immerse yourself in language and travel the world from your home! We know the trip from your bed to your fridge is quite an odyssey in itself at the moment but remember there’s so much more you can do!
What do you think?