We have just hosted our annual ESL conference and major gathering of study-abroad industry leaders in the beautiful city of Barcelona. During three intensive days, seminars, meetings, presentations, feedback, and training sessions took place between 150 language study specialists from more than 30 different countries. Half of attendees are ESL team members and the other half a selection of ESL partner schools, all representing the beautiful diversity of the ESL portfolio.
The personal dimension and 2024 preparation
Touching base with our partner schools in a dedicated environment is a fantastic opportunity for all ESL staff to get detailed input firsthand and to build up a personal relation with the people from the language schools we recommend.
The best way to get information is directly from the source, and a tremendous amount of knowledge was shared between ESL staff and our partner schools. This helps everyone better understand student needs and expectations.

A good relationship between a language school and an agency is based on trust, respect and sharing information. We collect a huge amount of student and staff feedback throughout the year, and the workshop offered the perfect moment to share this with our partner schools from around the world. In turn, schools passed on their insights into the latest trends, allowing everyone to fine-tune the student experience even further for 2024.
Access to education
Providing high quality education is our specialty but having access to education is unfortunately far from being a reality worldwide. With this in mind, our 2023 workshop was also an opportunity to maintain our connection with the charitable association that we supported last year with a special ESL auction that contributed to the building of school facilities that are welcoming today 2160 children from 7 to 15 years old in Sike Danama, South East Ethiopia.

This year, in the mythical 120 years old dancehall of La Paloma, in the very centre of Barcelona, we organized an ESL Game including a quiz, singing and dancing challenges that featured the smart and the brave who not only were motivated to play to win but also to raise funds ESL will keep on sharing for the educational projects in Ethiopia.
Many thanks to all participants, who contributed to this initiative and to these productive and enjoyable days in Barcelona. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

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